Wednesday, October 3, 2007

IGNORANCE!!! "House votes to expand children's health insurance program"

Healthcare something that affects EVERY human being alive, it’s the prevention, treatment, and management of health related issues. Everybody needs it, it is inevitable to go throughout life without getting sick, or simply having to go to the doctor at least once. Healthcare is what makes these necessary moderate to severe doctor appointments and visits possible. It is how we can go to the doctor. Why doesn’t President Bush think this issue is important? Why doesn’t he feel healthcare should be accessible to more than those that can easily afford it? The United States of America has no interest in improving the health of its citizens, they aren’t concerned with preserving our youth!
SCHIP a program started by President Clinton to provide healthcare coverage to those that didn’t qualify for medicaid, but didn’t have the money to pay for healthcare. Basically making it possible for those that were in the lose, lose situation financially to have access to health coverage. This program is not eternal, so it has to be renewed and improved over time. So this is why House recently voted to expand this children healthcare program. A good idea because it shows us Americans as being less selfish. We tend to have the "us four and no more mentality," meaning that if it doesn’t involve "me" it doesn’t matter. At least that’s what I think when I see that Bush tried to veto this act.
Many countries have free healthcare for their citizens, why can’t we? Why don’t we make it easier for those that cant afford it to have it? Instead Bush chooses to spend billions of dollars on the war in Iraq, wasting money! Now he wants to veto this SCHIP extension! If this veto passes it will add to his list of veto’s. It seems like he overrides things that are beneficial to a large amount of US citizens.
House won this vote why does Bush have to go in and mess it up. Maybe because giving money to a program that helps approximately 6.6 million children will take away from his spending ideas. If it affected him in some way I know he would feel differently. Just like if it was one of his family members in Iraq he wouldn’t have vetoed the bill to bring troops home early. I feel that Bush, in my opinion is simply selfish!
People need to stand up for what they believe. Bush is President to "help" our country. That means the rich and the poor the fortunate and less fortunate. So give to those that don’t have. Our country has the money to do it so DO IT!
For a closer look at Bush's attempt to veto this beneficial bill look HERE.

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