Monday, October 22, 2007

WOW "GOP veterans to leave battleground" by Kathy Kiely, USA today

Political parties are what make up politics. It goes back to high school and clicks, a matter of popularity. Who fits in with who or simply who likes who. Noone likes to be an outcast, noone likes to be a minority. Especially if they were at first the majority. Its never fun being on top then all of a sudden being on bottom. Well that’s what the republican party is feeling right now. At least in the congressional seats. Im not one that is necessarily for democrats, or im not necessarily for republicans, or liberals, and in favor of any other particular party. However, I do like to see how each party reacts to different situations.
For once the democrats are in the majority. Members of the democratic party are no longer the outcasts they are “on top,” or at least republicans are realizing that their political power is not as strong as it used to be. Instead of staying they are fleeing, with “dignity.” Instead of staying in offices which are basically guaranteed, they are leaving simply because they are outnumbered. I think it’s somewhat funny. When democrats were outnumbered they stayed and continued to run for office hoping that they would eventually make a change or make a difference. Cant say the same for those republicans that hold congressional seats. These seat holders are not going to continue holding that title. Instead they’re retiring or simply not returning for further terms. They say its so they can run for higher offices or for personal reasons. Why all of a sudden do they want to retire or pursue these things when they are outnumbered. Are they running in fear? Aren’t these supposed to be people that stand up for what they believe, fight for their thoughts and ideas, fight for policies they believe in.
I guess they don’t want to have to sit things out and really fight for want they want, maybe they should try learning from those that stayed when things weren’t in their favor. That may require too much work.. You can get a closer look to see which veterans are leaving in this article posted by USA today.

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