Friday, September 21, 2007

Racism, Far From Over!

Racism, simply the idea that ones race determines ones place in life. A belief that many Americans spent their lives trying to eliminate. Martin Luther King Jr. one of the most memorable Civil Rights activists risked his life on a daily basis for the idea of racial equality. It’s unfortunate that the very cause he fought to end is still very prominent in the world today. We have seen horrific acts of racism everywhere in this new millennium alone. Now racism is being broadcasted close to home in Jena, LA.
Jena, Louisiana the sight of what many Americans call an act of racism. Here six young African American boys were accused of committing various crimes for an assault on a young white boy. The six young men accused of these charges are being punished in a manner more severely than the white teens involved. How can a criminal offense compare to a suspension from school? There is no comparison, but it seems as if because the six boys are black in town of 85% white Americans they operate with double standards. All of this because of a common gathering place, why did the idea of sitting under a tree bring imprisonment for these young boys.
As time has passed the severity of the charges against these six boys have been lessened and for one dropped. Why is Bell still behind bars after charges were dropped by the appeal’s court? Perhaps because the color of his skin, the simple fact that his skin produces more melanoma than a white person. Why let skin colors influence your decision? Why is ones skin color the determining factor for ones freedom?
Many still believe in what Martin Luther King Jr started and are showing that by their empowering protests in Jena, Louisiana. All one can hope for is justice, something that should not see black, white, brown, or green. Justice should see truth! For a closer look at what is happening you can look here

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